Preparing for a Home Aid Collection
It feels great to get rid of an old piece of furniture that may have outstayed its welcome. These handy hints will help make sure that the collection process feels just as refreshing.

Clear the way
So that our collection team can get in and out as easily and as quickly as possible, please make plenty space around any items that are being collected, and ensure that there is a clear path for them to carry anything straight through the house and out of your life.
Don’t leave anything on the street
Unfortunately we cannot collect any items left on the street. Ensure you are at home when we arrive and the item is ready for collection.
Give the item a clean
Although we collect used items, ideally anything that you are donating to us is in as good a condition as possible. Please take a couple of minutes to give the item a wipe, polish or a quick hoover.
Disassemble bed frames
If you are donating a bed frame, please disassemble it and place all of the hardware (screws, nuts, bolts etc) into a little envelope and tape it to the frame.
Secure your dog
Although perfectly friendly around your family, they might not be so friendly to a stranger in their home, so if you could pop your dog in another room before our arrival that would be much appreciated.